
施耐德 元雅 白色 13A Fused 接線蘇 有掣 有燈

施耐德 元雅 白色 13A Fused 接線蘇 有掣 有燈
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標價 $0 之項目,歡迎來電咨詢。謝謝!


Schneider Vivace white switched fused connection with neno 13A
施耐德 元雅 白色 13A Fused 接線蘇 有掣 有燈

Inspired by the influential Bauhaus movement, Vivace expresses a pleasing form following function. With a slim and trim profile, the sleek clean lines and subtle curves manifest a simple, elegant minimalism. Every piece in this robustly constructed range sits perfectly within the context of any modern interior design. Vivace, a style of modern simplicity that is always within your reach.
Vivace元雅開關掣及插座系列,外形纖巧流麗,卻不失優雅和時尚,叫人賞心悅目,亦為現代生活錦上添花。汲取了包豪斯主義的美學靈感,體現「形式跟隨功能」的創作理念,實現簡約的開關掣設計。 沒有多餘的細節,也沒有繁復的綴飾,簡簡單單地,就能為室內環境添上一抹時尚氣派。