時尚家創立於2008年,專業銷售多國品牌燈飾,深得客戶認同,我們不斷發展,除總部及庫存外,於九龍旺角市中心開設3間實體門市。家庭燈飾系列包括客廳燈、餐廳吊燈、蠟燭燈、睡房吸頂燈、壁燈、書房檯燈、風扇燈一應俱全;工程燈系列有LED室內射燈、明裝筒燈、防水埋地燈、防水壁燈、防水柱頭燈、泳池射燈、招牌射燈、感應燈、LED燈帶、辨公室面板燈、珠寶飾櫃燈等不能盡錄。另燈制裝置引入多個歐美知名品牌如施耐德、MK、Legrand等安全時尚新穎款式。 時尚家早於2009年起引進不同類型先進的LED照明系列,以滿足追求環保生活之時尚要求。時尚家燃亮你家同時節能安全可靠。 現時本公司推出幾百款新式智能LED產品來滿足各界人仕需求。時尚家了解用家不同需要,展出燈飾琳瑯滿目,致力能更好的服務大眾,提供更多優質及價廉物美的產品。為便利顧客,本公司提供送貨、安裝、維修、保養的一站式專業服務。時尚家將會致力推陳出新,開發多種家居類型產品,務求閣下能在一家店內選購所需家居用品。
I STYLE Lighting
Light Up Your Lifestyle everywhere I Style Lighting was established in 2008. We are professional Lighting specialists in distribute and install multi-national brand name products. Due to our commitment and specialty in lighting industry, we are now operating 3 real stores at the center of Mong Kok, Kowloon in Hong Kong with also our Headquarter and warehouse in TKT. Our HOUSEHOLD full range series supply home lighting include(but not limited to) living room lights, restaurant chandeliers, candle lights, bedroom ceiling lights, wall fan lights and ranging study light. Our INDUSTRIAL series provides LED indoor lights, Surface mounted lamps, waterproof underground lamp, waterproof wall lamps, water column headlight, pool lighting, sign lighting, senor lighting, LED lights belt,fully staffed panel light & jewelry light and so on. In addition, our LAMP SOCKETS series introducing multiple European and American brands such as Schneider, MK, Legrand and other stylish new lamp system. Early in 2009, I Style Lighting introduced various types of advanced LED lighting series, to meet the requirement of environmental friendly users to pursue a green living. I Style Lighting light up your home safely with less energy and more saving. Today our company launched hundreds of intelligent models to meet your demand. I Style Lighting display numberous styles of home lighting possiblity. We commit to serve everyone with higher quality, better service and cheaper cost. For your convenience, we provide total solution of delivery, professional installation & maintenance service. You just pick your favourite, and we will do the rest. I Style lighting achieve to develop more household product lines so as to be your one-stop friendly store for your home.